Trader Joe's Sauerkraut had been growing out there for quite some time and recently they introduced "Probiotics One Pickled Herds", a new series of pickled raw sauerkraut in the Trader Joe's product line. There is a wide selection of fermented foods available from your local grocers but it seems the fermented pickles are on an all new wave of popularity. I have seen the pickled garlic at many of my friend's homes and even at my own restaurant, I have never tried pickled sauerkraut. So, is this new addition to Trader Joe's healthy foods a hit?My pickled persian cucumbers came in a jar similar to Trader Joe's sauerkraut jar. The pickled persian cucumbers were in the same jar with the sauerkraut but this jar was more like a hanging pot, so to speak. The pickled cucumbers were in the same color as the sauerkraut but were smaller. They also had the green veins on them like the sauerkraut. These pickled cucumbers reminded me of the deep green, pinkish color of the persian cucumbers that I used to buy every summer when I was in India.Now, the story does not end there. I went back home and tried to cook one of these pickled veggies. To my surprise, this beet-like vegetable was delicious. I ate about half and enjoyed the sweetness of the pickled, green veggie. I did notice that I didn't need to use as much salt and pepper as I normally do with sauerkraut. After my experience with the beet-like vegetable, I decided to give Trader Joe's another try and buy some pickled green veggie to add to my recipe. I wasn't disappointed. This time I went with the spicy sauerkraut fermented in brine. Again, I was delighted with the flavor. But again, I didn't use as much salt, which is maybe for the health conscious folk out there. Also, I was glad that I read the label and knew what type of probiotics to buy.I have made substitutions to the traditional fermented pickles to make it taste more like a traditional sauerkraut. I didn't bother with the vinegar or the mustard. I simply used white vinegar, honey and a little bit of water to make what I think was a very good recipe. I think my next challenge will be trying to eat sauerkraut from the refrigerator at our next grocery store so I can try it with all the other items.It's not a bad idea to check with your doctor before starting this new eating plan. He or she can advise you on good probiotics to add to your diet when using any fermented food product, including sauerkraut. Some people find that there are some foods that are just too difficult to tolerate, and the probiotics may not work well enough in those situations. For example, I found that Trader Joe's Spicy Sauerkraut had a lot of sugar. I like the taste of sauerkraut fermented in vinegar, but there is just no way that my stomach can handle a lot of sugar at once. I am also interested in knowing how my digestive system works and how much sugar goes into a jar of Trader Joe's spicy sauerkraut.<img width="400" src="">I'm also interested in learning more about a product called Natures Best Yeast Infection Treat. In this article, I learned that there are several yeast infection products that are "commercially pure". Although the term "pure" may be thrown around, in reality it only means that the product contains all of the active ingredients and not the artificial coloring, flavors, or preservatives that are typically found in store bought sauerkraut or other fermented food products.So my question to you is this: Have you tried eating sauerkraut from a jar? If you have, how did it affect you? Do you like it? Would you recommend it?

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