Thought is one of the biggest aspects of disease - Thought is also energy...Strangely enough, our whole entire body system and how it works is fundamentally depending on energy which is the most fundamental and essential ground of our being. EFT treatment therapy is according to energy rebalancing, a fundamental approach of most energy medicine. All in our biological processes have a living, pulsating, vibrant, energetic foundation and so are afflicted with the thoughts we think and beliefs we hold. We can now even measure our very own energy fields with modern scientific instruments currently which validates its existence.In fact the presence of the traditional acupuncture energy meridians, once mapped out by Chinese physicians many thousands of years ago has now been verified by such testing. This is exciting, Why? given it provides the opportunity of addressing all dis-ease, illness, pain and emotional disturbances, whether thought-induced or as a result of physical injury, using energy methods, like eft tapping therapy, which can be practical, easy, quick and essentially non-invasive.Energy Medicine is Here to StayEnergy prescription medication is the medicine for the future and signs and symptoms of its emergence as being a powerful cure-all previously begun. Emotional freedom tapping and also other energy therapies enables you to gain total wellness and well-being, by letting for the cause of any difficulty, in lieu of just emphasizing the traditional approach of ongoing symptom management. It offers the promise of really empowering everyone individuals with effective self-help options for our personal self-care with tools and techniques that can be done in the comfort in our own homes.It is a powerful tool for integrating all aspects of ourselves, our minds, bodies and spirit. We now have at our disposal, with EFT techniques, Reiki, Acupuncture, Reflexology, the Emotion Code work and other newly emerging energy modalities, the means to eliminate each of the energy blockages that until now have been preventing us from radiating out and sharing our true and wonderful inner light with all the world. And the appeal of this new way of healing is the fact that, until it comes down into its own amongst medical circles, it can be safely used alongside conventional treatments without dangerous unwanted side effects whatsoever.It heralds a new strategy for making the change of one's healthSince my way through the universe is fundamentally made of energy, change our energy vibrations and now we literally change our society, both inside and outside. I believe there will come an occasion in the not too distant future when drugs and surgery can be being simply a last resort when using a patient or client energy field, to produce trapped energies would be the first distinct answer to any diagnosed illness. is going to be a little more about doing circumstances to keep our energies vibrating well and from becoming blocked so your energy channels are flowing nicely in tune with optimal health plus a positive outlook.You can learn to use energy medicine with practical hands-on techniques to clear and boost the energies within your body, support your natural ability to heal, release stress and raise your feeling good vibrations. EFT tapping is amongst the most popular with the energy therapies around today. It is quick to understand, quick and easy to make use of and it is regarded as about 80-99 percent effective, mainly depending upon the skill in the practitioner or perhaps the one doing the work. It is something you can learn to do alone and apply in the home whenever the necessity arises.

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