If you are a beginner woodworker and looking to learn more about power tools and router machines, then you may want to look into the Bosch compact router. There are many good compact routers on the market today from several quality manufacturers. Bosch is one of those brands that stand out with their attention-grabbing commercials and a product that looks and acts like something that will help your every day wood projects be easier and more successful. Look over this Bosch compact router review to find out exactly why Bosch makes the best compact router on the market today.Bosch RTA Compact Router - How does it compare with other brands? Although they all have similarities in features, function, and price, the differences in a quality compact router can be quite vast. Best reviewed in detail below. https://canvas.instructure.com/eportfolios/69360000000141231/Home/What_Are_Some_Of_The_Popular_Compact_Router_Features But just like any other tool, even more compact routers do come in all sizes and shapes.Maximum Continuous Power (CCP) - What is continuous power? This is the maximum continuous power you router machine is able to produce at any given time. While this feature may sound like an unnecessary feature, if you are using the compact router for heavy duty use, such as woodturning or rotating large number of pieces, then you will definitely need a powerful continuous-power source. Many of the top-rated compact router machines can run at hundreds of hours on continuous, so this should definitely be one of your priorities.Wide Range of Functions - The compact router comes in a wide range of configurations and uses. For example, some models have a worm thread feeder that has a T-thread, and there are other models that have a cross head and a special saw blade that is used to cut materials from long distances. This is why many woodworkers tend to choose a machine with a wide range of functions. Still on the topic of functions, some of the best compact routers are those that offer knurling, depth stops, anti tip wheels, rubber grinders, diamond plate grinders, and jig saws. It may seem like a lot of functions, but if you are going to cut a wide range of materials, then you will definitely need all of these features.Noise Levels - Some compact routers may have the highest level of noise output. For that reason, it is important to make sure you can keep the noise levels under control. One way to achieve this is to purchase a machine that is equipped with a quiet cooling fan and run the fan at a low setting. If noise levels are a major concern, then you might also want to consider purchasing a machine with a brushless motor.Router Bits - Different types of wood and different size variations require different types of router bits. Most woodturners purchase general purpose bits that work with most sizes of woodturning bits. Some specialty bits are needed in order to work with exotic wood types or to cut certain materials with specific tools.Electronic Brake - A top-of-the line compact router tool should also have an electronic brake. When selecting an electronic brake, make sure that it is powerful enough to prevent your woodturning project from getting stuck in one position. Also, finding one with a variable speed control is essential. There are two speeds available, both of which are extremely useful for turning tight curves and long, wide strips of wood. Having a variable speed control will allow you to quickly adjust the amount of rotary power that is available to you when cutting.Overall, choosing a compact router tool that meets your needs is not as difficult as some small router reviews would lead you to believe. Just remember to look at the details of each option and determine what you need in order to get the best precision you can. Don't rush into the purchase of your new compact router until you've carefully weighed all of your options and made sure that it has everything you need. If you take the time to do this, then you are bound to end up with a router that you will be satisfied with for many years to come.<img width="437" src="https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/lbIAAOSwcrhg2cuM/s-l1600.jpg">

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