<p>&nbsp;</p><div> <p>n?u nh? b?n đang vi?t m?t bài báo liên quan đ?n ph??ng trình ho?c công th?c toán h?c, có th? b?n ph?i s? d?ng s? mũ. Đ? đào b?i https://pkmacbook.com/cach-viet-so-mu-trong-word/ ra sao , hãy đ?c bài vi?t ti?p sau đây nhé.</p>  <p><img alt="Cách vi?t s? mũ trong Word" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/cach-viet-so-mu-trong-word_015142402.jpg" style="height:502px; width:802px" title="Cách vi?t s? mũ trong Word"></p>  <h2>Cách vi?t s? mũ trong Word 2019, năm 2016, 2013</h2>  <h3>S? d?ng t? h?p 3 phím t?t <span style="color:red">Ctrl</span> + <span style="color:red">Shift</span> + <span style="color:red">+</span></h3>  <p>Đ? vi?t ch? s? trên, ch?ng h?n nh? Y mũ 4: đ?u tiên nh?ng b?n đ?t con tr? chu?t ngay sau ch? mu?n ghi s? mũ r?i liên t?c nh?n t?ng h?p phím t?t <strong>Ctrl</strong> + <strong>Shift</strong> + <strong>+</strong>. lúc ?y d?u nháy s? ti?n hành chuy?n lên đ?u trên bé nhi?u h?n so v?i d?u nháy vi?t ch? thông th??ng.</p>  <h3>Vi?t s? mũ b?ng Symbols</h3>  <p><strong>B??c 1:</strong> Vào menu <strong>Insert</strong> =&gt; <strong>Symbol</strong> =&gt; <strong>More Symbols</strong> (<strong>Symbols</strong> cho phép b?n chèn các kí hi?u đ?c bi?t quan tr?ng vào văn b?n).</p>  <p><img alt="More Symbols" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/more-symbols_015142709.jpg" style="height:159px; width:846px" title="More Symbols"></p>  <p><strong>B??c 2:</strong> sau th?i đi?m h?p tho?i <strong>Symbol</strong> hi?n ra =&gt; <strong>Symbols</strong></p>  <p>- Ch?n font ch? mu?n hi?n th? s? mũ. Trong h?u h?t tr??ng h?p b?n s? mu?n hi?n th? s? mũ trong cùng font ch? v?i ph?n sót l?i c?a văn b?n thì chúng ta có th? đ? Font là <strong>normal text</strong>.</p>  <p>n?u mu?n hi?n th? s? mũ ? font ch? khác, b?m vào nút mũi tên xu?ng ? góc bên ph?i c?a danh sách th? xu?ng &amp; ch?n font ch? mu?n hi?n th? s? mũ.</p>  <p><img alt="Insert" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/insert_015142611.jpg" style="height:407px; width:563px" title="Insert"></p>  <p>- ch?n l?a s? mũ mu?n hi?n th? =&gt; <strong>Subset</strong> =&gt; <strong>Superscripts and Subscripts</strong> =&gt; l?a ch?n s? mũ mu?n hi?n th?.</p>  <p><img alt="L?a ch?n s? mũ hi?n th?" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/lua-chon-so-mu-hien-thi_015142696.jpg" style="height:407px; width:563px" title="L?a ch?n s? mũ hi?n th?"></p>  <p>- hi?u qu? sau th?i đi?m hoàn thành xong thao tác.</p>  <p><img alt="K?t qu?" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/ket-qua_015142680.jpg" style="height:479px; width:624px" title="K?t qu?"></p>  <h3>Thêm s? mũ s? d?ng h?p tho?i Font</h3>  <p><strong>B??c 1:</strong> Ch?n văn b?n mu?n đ?nh d?ng s? mũ =&gt; bôi đen s? ho?c ch? mà b?n mu?n đ?nh d?ng s? mũ.</p>  <p><img alt="Ch?n văn b?n mu?n đ?nh d?ng s? mũ" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/chon-van-ban-muon-dinh-dang-so-mu_015142564.jpg" style="height:556px; width:765px" title="Ch?n văn b?n mu?n đ?nh d?ng s? mũ"></p>  <p><strong>B??c 2:</strong> Vào menu <strong>Home</strong> =&gt; <strong>Font</strong>.</p>  <p><img alt="Ch?n font" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/chon-font_015142453.jpg" style="height:159px; width:692px" title="Ch?n font"></p>  <p><strong>B??c 3:</strong> H?p tho?i Font m? ra =&gt; <strong>Effects</strong> =&gt; <strong>Superscripts</strong> =&gt; <strong>OK</strong>.</p>  <p><img alt="Ch?n Superscript" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/chon-superscript_015142540.jpg" style="height:510px; width:422px" title="Ch?n Superscript"></p>  <p>- công d?ng sau th?i đi?m hoàn thành xong thao tác.</p>  <p><img alt="K?t qu? 2" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/ket-qua-2_015142628.jpg" style="height:556px; width:765px" title="K?t qu? 2"></p>  <h3>Chèn s? mũ v?i Equation</h3>  <p><strong>B??c 1:</strong> Vào menu <strong>Insert</strong> =&gt; <strong>Equation</strong> =&gt; <strong>Insert New Equation</strong>.</p>  <p><img alt="Insert New Equation" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/insert-new-equation_015142601.jpg" style="height:157px; width:512px" title="Insert New Equation"></p>  <p><strong>B??c 2:</strong> hi?n gi? b?n s? đ??c chuy?n đ?n <strong>Design</strong>, và th??ng xuyên làm nh? hình d??i.</p>  <p><img alt="Ch?n ki?u đánh s? mũ" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/chon-kieu-danh-so-mu_015142494.jpg" style="height:556px; width:870px" title="Ch?n ki?u đánh s? mũ"></p>  <p><strong>B??c 3:</strong> liên ti?p vi?t s? mũ nh? hình.</p>  <p><img alt="Vi?t s? mũ" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/viet-so-mu_015142750.jpg" style="height:556px; width:870px" title="Vi?t s? mũ"></p>  <h2>Cách vi?t s? mũ trong Word 2010, 2007</h2>  <h3>Vi?t s? mũ b?ng Symbols</h3>  <p><strong>B??c 1:</strong> Vào menu <strong>Insert</strong> =&gt; <strong>Symbol</strong> =&gt; <strong>More Symbols</strong> (<strong>Symbols</strong> đ??c cho phép b?n chèn các kí hi?u đ?c bi?t quan tr?ng vào https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C4%83n_b%E1%BA%A3n ).</p>  <p><img alt="Ch?n Symbol" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/chon-symbol_015142548.jpg" style="height:139px; width:829px" title="Ch?n Symbol"></p>  <p><strong>B??c 2: </strong>sau khi h?p tho?i <strong>Symbol</strong> hi?n ra =&gt; <strong>Symbols</strong>.</p>  <p>- Ch?n font ch? mu?n hi?n th? s? mũ. Trong h?u nh? tr??ng h?p b?n s? mu?n hi?n th? s? mũ trong cùng font ch? v?i ph?n còn l?i c?a văn b?n thì b?n cũng có th? đ? Font là <strong>normal text</strong>.</p>  <p>n?u nh? mu?n hi?n th? s? mũ ? font ch? khác, nh?n vào nút mũi tên xu?ng ? góc bên ph?i c?a list th? xu?ng &amp; ch?n font ch? mu?n hi?n th? s? mũ.</p>  <p><img alt="Ch?n font ch? hi?n th? s? mũ" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/chon-font-chu-hien-thi-so-mu_015142435.jpg" style="height:393px; width:532px" title="Ch?n font ch? hi?n th? s? mũ"></p>  <p>l?a ch?n s? mũ mu?n hi?n th? =&gt; <strong>Subset</strong> =&gt; <strong>Superscripts and Subscripts</strong> =&gt; ch?n l?a s? mũ mu?n hi?n th?.</p>  <p><img alt="Ch?n s? mũ c?n hi?n th?" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/chon-so-mu-can-hien-thi_015142512.jpg" style="height:393px; width:532px" title="Ch?n s? mũ c?n hi?n th?"></p>  <h3>Thêm s? mũ s? d?ng h?p tho?i Font</h3>  <p><strong>B??c 1:</strong> Ch?n văn b?n mu?n đ?nh d?ng s? mũ =&gt; bôi đen s? ho?c ch? mà b?n mu?n đ?nh d?ng s? mũ.</p>  <p><img alt="Bôi đen s? mũ c?n đánh" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/boi-den-so-mu-can-danh_015142373.jpg" style="height:496px; width:837px" title="Bôi đen s? mũ c?n đánh"></p>  <p><strong>B??c 2:</strong> Vào menu <strong>Home</strong> =&gt; <strong>Font</strong>.</p>  <p><img alt="Ch?n font 2" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/chon-font-2_015142416.jpg" style="height:144px; width:611px" title="Ch?n font 2"></p>  <p><strong>B??c 3:</strong> H?p tho?i Font xu?t hi?n thêm =&gt; <strong>Effects</strong> =&gt; <strong>Superscripts</strong> =&gt; <strong>OK</strong>.</p>  <p><img alt="Ch?n Superscript 2" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/chon-superscript-2_015142522.jpg" style="height:505px; width:401px" title="Ch?n Superscript 2"></p>  <p>- hi?u qu? sau th?i đi?m tri?n khai xong thao tác làm vi?c.</p>  <p><img alt="K?t qu? 3" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/ket-qua-3_015142656.jpg" style="height:496px; width:837px" title="K?t qu? 3"></p>  <h3>Chèn s? mũ v?i Equation</h3>  <p><strong>B??c 1: </strong>Vào menu <strong>Insert</strong> =&gt; <strong>Equation</strong> =&gt; <strong>Insert New Equation</strong>.</p>  <p><img alt="Insert New Equation 2" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/insert-new-equation-2_015142579.jpg" style="height:144px; width:758px" title="Insert New Equation 2"></p>  <p><strong>B??c 2: </strong>hi?n nay b?n s? ti?n hành chuy?n đ?n <strong>Design</strong>, &amp; liên t?c làm nh? hình d??i.</p>  <p><img alt="Ch?n ki?u đánh s? mũ 2" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/chon-kieu-danh-so-mu-2_015142468.jpg" style="height:496px; width:837px" title="Ch?n ki?u đánh s? mũ 2"></p>  <p><strong>B??c 3: </strong>th??ng xuyên vi?t s? mũ nh? hình.</p>  <p><img alt="Vi?t s? mũ 2" src="https://pkmacbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/viet-so-mu-2_015142730.jpg" style="height:501px; width:771px" title="Vi?t s? mũ 2"></p>  <p>C?m ?n các b?n đã dành th?i gian theo dõi n?i dung bài vi?t và nh? r?ng đ? l?i ph?n h?i phía d??i đ? góp ph?n ch? ki?n cho n?i dung bài vi?t nhé!</p> </div><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Ngu?n tham kh?o t? Internet</p>Xem thêm:<figure class="wp-block-table"> <table> <tbody>  <tr>  <td> https://telegra.ph/Cách-xoá-trang-trong-Word-Macbook-và -Windows-11-18 </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://casprod.lgaq.asn.au/web/cannonwarm71/home/-/blogs/cach-xoa-trang-trong-word-macbook-va-windows?_33_redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fcasprod.lgaq.asn.au%2Fweb%2Fcannonwarm71%2Fhome%3Fp_p_id%3D33%26p_p_lifecycle%3D0%26p_p_state%3Dnormal%26p_p_mode%3Dview%26p_p_col_id%3Dcolumn-2%26p_p_col_count%3D1 </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://diigo.com/0mhxmc </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://notes.io/FZmN </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://controlc.com/b89a9545 </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://zenwriting.net/platepickle50/cach-xoa-trang-trong-word-macbook-va-windows </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> http://cqms.skku.edu/b/lecture/241570 </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://grossmanfinne.livejournal.com/profile </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://radio-channel10.de/en/web/mcleodzaklindhardt/home/-/blogs/cach-xoa-trang-trong-word-macbook-va-windows?_33_redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fradio-channel10.de%2Fen%2Fweb%2Fmcleodzaklindhardt%2Fhome%3Fp_p_id%3D33%26p_p_lifecycle%3D0%26p_p_state%3Dnormal%26p_p_mode%3Dview%26p_p_col_id%3Dcolumn-2%26p_p_col_count%3D1 </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://canvas.instructure.com/eportfolios/69360000000139630/Home/Cch_xo_trang_trong_Word_Macbook_v_Windows </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://salinas-hamann.technetbloggers.de/cach-xoa-trang-trong-word-macbook-va-windows-1637217739 </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://crownfrench51.werite.net/ </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://www.easyfie.com/read-blog/453233 </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://grapeneed79.bravejournal.net/ </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://www.openlearning.com/u/salomonsenpoulsen-r2pb96/blog/CchXoTrangTrongWordMacbookVWindows </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> http://squidloaf56.xtgem.com/__xt_blog/__xtblog_entry/__xtblog_entry/23993753-c-ch-xo-trang-trong-word-macbook-v-windows?__xtblog_block_id=1#xt_blog </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> http://ttytcammy.vn/Default.aspx?tabid=120&amp;ch=35358 </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://yarabook.com/post/1141851_br-https-vi-wikipedia-org-wiki-microsoft-word-https-pkmacbook-com-thu-thuat-http.html </td>  </tr>  <tr>  <td> https://routelan46.bloggersdelight.dk/2021/11/18/cach-xoa-trang-trong-word-macbook-va-windows/ </td>  </tr> </tbody> </table></figure>

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