Are you looking for the easiest and quickest way to get your nails done in a jiffy? Then what you need is a Nail Whitening Pen! I've used them many times, and they are really simple to use. This is the perfect solution for a quick manicure, because it doesn't take long to dry, which means you can go right on and do your nails. In fact, these pens can last up to a year!<img width="497" src="">How it works: To operate: This 2-in-one White Nail Pencil can be applied for both wet or dry nails, what you need to do is to apply the pencil along the bottom of your nails (on the inside corner) to create beautiful white edges; if you dry the tip of your nails or the pencil, it will become a lot softer, easier to work with and will last longer. After you have applied your first coat of nail whitening pencil, just buff the excess with a cotton ball until it is a nice even coat. Now just buff your nails dry for a few seconds and then apply your second coat. It should only take you about 5 seconds to do. If you want some extra shine, just let it dry for a few more seconds and then buff with a clean cotton ball before applying your third coat.It is important that you only put the polish on your cuticles if you have clean hands and a nice clean fingernail pad. If you put the polish on your cuticles then your nails could become discolored or streaky. The natural nail colour is not affected, but it will make it look like you have nail polish on your natural nails. The other benefit of the natural nail colour is that it will look smooth and evenly shiny.Apply the manicure and if you have not applied the whitening manicure then you should put one coat of the nail whitening pencil onto one nail and two coats of cuticle oil on top of the first coat. Let it dry for at least one hour. You should buff the oil off afterwards. Do this for your natural nails and cuticles as well.Use the white French nail polishing products to apply the nail whitening pencils. It does take time to apply them correctly. It is best to use a nail brush to apply the product rather than an ordinary finger nail brush. You should use the same amount of product on each nail. If you want to make sure that you get a smooth finish then use three coats. If you do this it will ensure that the product gets evenly distributed across your nails.When you are done with the quick manicure you should use the second coat of the French manicure polish and buff the cuticle. After you have done this step you should put another coat of the polish onto the nail and buff again. This should continue until the polish has completely dried. If you want to make sure that the quick paintless manicure is a success you should use a third coat of the polish.When you are done with the quick manicure you should put one final coat of the French manicure and buff all of your cuticles. You should be able to see if your cuticles are completely white. If they are not you should put another coat of the white polish on them. This should continue until all of your cuticles are completely white. The French polish and white pencil can be used to maintain your white trim for as long as you like.If you are looking to buy a good French manicure set you should try to find a website that sells products online. These websites will offer you a much wider selection of products than your local salon. They will also offer great prices and shipping options. If you are unsure about how long it will take before your nails start to look white you should take a look at some of the reviews other people have written about a particular product. If other people are not satisfied with the way that their product worked they will usually let you know in their review.

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