Nail Whitening Pen - one of man's greatest inventions since sliced bread! You could pick up a nail whitening pencil at your local beauty store. If you want instant white teeth (in just a few minutes) this is your new favorite tool.I usually start with a quick step and a step that is easy. I start with a good base: a good base of baking soda paste. And I always go with a good, quick acting, quick drying polish remover. The quick drying polish remover usually includes a very strong concentration of hydrogen peroxide.Here's how it works: you take your nail polish and dip it into the hydrogen peroxide. Let the solution sit for about five minutes and then wash your hands with warm water and soap. Then you simply wipe away the excess polish. After you've wiped away the excess hydrogen peroxide, you take your baking soda paste and lightly brush over your stained nails. Your goal is to lighten the shade and get rid of any discoloration or yellow tint in your nails.<img width="373" src="">Here's how it works: the natural ingredient in toothpaste that gives toothpaste its wonderful whiteness also works very well on your teeth. But your natural toothpaste isn't as powerful as the strong hydrogen peroxide you find in a whitening toothpaste. So, you need to make an adjustment. You need to make a simple substitution in your toothpaste.What do I mean by this? Take a fresh pack of grapefruit juice and add it to one-half glass of water. After the second minute, strain off the grapefruit juice and pour the juice into your new nail whitening pencil. The result will be an even and beautiful white flash of nail polish! Now, it's not going to be a perfect match every time. As with all homemade beauty creations, you are going to have to experiment.This method doesn't work very often, but if you do it enough you might see some results. When I tried this method on my nails, I got rid of two shades. But I'm a quick learner and don't always want to wait two weeks to see a difference. Sometimes I can do quick whitening in a few minutes.I've found another quick and natural way to whiten my nails. Instead of a gels or creams, I apply some coconut oil (just kind of like the skin) to my hands and use a cotton ball to rub it on my nails for about 15 seconds. After that I rinse my hands. It worked pretty well, especially when I put some coconut oil on my nails right before I applied my manicure.Some people like to use a scrub pad instead of a nail whitening pencil or gel. I also recommend this technique because it does a great job cleaning up the stain, but still leaves the cuticles relatively free of any yellow stain. Using a scrub pad will leave your cuticles much cleaner and will cut down on stained nails in a shorter amount of time.The same basic principle applies to using a nail brush with a whitening toothpaste. Use a small amount of toothpaste and brush your nail for only a few minutes. Then use warm water and rinse your hands thoroughly. After that I apply my manicure as usual and apply a little more toothpaste to clean up any excess. That's about it.If you have yellow nails or if you just want a quick whitening effect, I recommend that you use a nail polish remover instead of a gel. It's cheap and easy to use. Simply get a small bottle of the polish remover and dip it into the whitening gel base coat. Let it sit for a few minutes and then wash your hands with warm water. It's that simple!For those who have really yellow cuticles, I recommend using a product like Listerine mouthwash. I prefer Listerine over toothpaste because of the longer shelf life. Listerine is available at most pharmacies and is very inexpensive. I always mix one ounce of Listerine with one ounce of ordinary toothpaste in a clean cup and use it as a mouthwash after brushing my teeth for a couple of minutes.With these home remedies and the gel based whiteners, you can safely remove that yellowed appearance and bring your smile back to its former glory. The trick is to keep your hands clean by flossing them frequently and to use a good quality nail polish remover when you want to take off that layer of yellowing. You can even use a Whiter Nail Brush to give you a quick, easy whiter nails!

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