lil slip November 4, 2012 at 6:38 pm i find that when I do explosive exercises after masturbation i get a nice energy boost. If you have a lil slip just do something that keeps testosterone up like col showers or squat jumps. jerry November 4, 2012 at 8:04 pm ive edged 3 times and ejaculated twice in 121 days. It’s good to read peoples posts that ive seen on here for awhile i still read dont always post. So have no idea where im at in all this i just know i didnt do much at all in over 100 days. It’s been at least 60 days since i ejaculated i do remember those times and they were horrible total wimp and puss the entire time. I went far in and it feels like you throw everything out the window and start again i was nervous, anxiety suspicious and jealous for many days afterwards. Ed im with you man i still havent conquered PE either i have gone inside my girl many times but i always risk PE so i end the session quickly im starting to think not fapping has nothing to do with PE i read up on someone who went over 90 days and still had PE so i think we have to get it addressed elsewhere like through hypnosis or something. jerry November 4, 2012 at 8:05 pm