What Is PHP?PHP, which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, is a server-side scripting language that allows you to develop full stack web applications.<img width="461" src="http://pngimg.com/uploads/php/php_PNG23.png">Because PHP is a server-side technology, it runs on the back end of a website. https://www.programmingstorm.com/is-php-hard-to-learn is the part of a website that a user does not see. This means that PHP is often used to execute server-side scripts, such as gathering and processing data and working with databases.The PHP language has a wide range of potential use cases. These include:<img width="425" src="https://static.nicepage.com/ForumAttachments/688/29688/php-screen-print2.jpg?version=">PHP can add content to a web page. This allows you to load data onto a website based on a database or another source of content.PHP can work with files on a serverPHP can collect and process form dataPHP allows you to implement login and registration pages on a websiteThese are only a few of the different tasks you can perform with PHP. If you take a moment to reflect on this list, it’s clear why so many people are interested in learning the technology.Is PHP Hard to Learn?PHP is one of the easier programming languages to learn. This is because PHP has a strong ecosystem of resources available for beginners and it has a syntax that is forgiving to beginners.Whether you struggle to learn PHP depends on your experience with programming.If you’ve already learned another web development technology, you should find it easier to learn PHP. However, if you do not have any programming experience, you may find it more difficult to learn PHP.What is PHP Used For?PHP is used for server-side scripting. This means that you use PHP to develop the back-end of a website, or the part that a user does not see. A PHP application may handle authentication for a website, payments, user management, or any other “dynamic” part of a site.PHP is usually backed by a database. This is because PHP is good at handling and processing form data. Often, you’ll find that web applications use PHP to process data, and then a tool like MySQL to store the data that has been collected.How Long Does it Take to Learn PHP?It takes about three to six months to learn PHP depending on how much time you commit. PHP has a favorable syntax which makes it a great starting point for anyone interested in learning about back-end web development.If you commit to studying part-time, learning PHP in three to six months is a reasonable goal. But, if you decide to commit all your time to learning PHP, you should be able to learn the basics within a month or two.As with any programming language, learning PHP is a journey. There is no point at which you will have “learned PHP.” You’ll keep learning.Why Should You Learn PHP?The PHP programming language is simple and easy to use. Don’t let that fool you into thinking it is just a language for beginners. W3Techs reports that PHP is used by “78.3% of all the websites whose server-side programming language we know.”One of the main reasons learning PHP is a good investment is that the language is easy to use. PHP was designed to speed up web development, and so the language has a simple syntax that is great for beginners. In addition, because the language is dynamically-typed, there are fewer rules you need to follow to build features using PHP.That’s not all! Because PHP is so popular, there is also a massive developer community that follows the programming language. For you, this means that there are plenty of resources you can take advantage of to help you learn to code. This also means that there is no shortage of companies that are looking to hire those skilled in PHP.

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