Dear Bitter Single Guy: I met this guy four months ago, one thing led to another and now we are living together, but things have gotten really weird. We don’t argue, fight, whine, moan, or groan at each other. Instead, we have healthy conversations on a variety of subjects. But something still is not right. I believe this because he told me that one of his major relationship flaws is complacency. Isn’t that a bad thing? We have not even made it to the I LOVE YOU stage and yet I get this feeling that a nuclear bomb is fixing to be dropped upon me. — Confused Southern Belle

Dear CSB: The Bitter Single Guy is always mystified by the folks who are able to so fully commit to a relationship that they can (in your example) find themselves shacking up a mere four months after meeting. The BSG had to get therapy to invite a cat into his living space, so cannot imagine sharing his precious, precious oxygen with another human. The BSG’s insecurities aside CSB, he has to address your decision to co-habitate while still not feeling committed enough for the “L” word? (The BSG does not mean Lesbian. We’re all plenty committed to that one.) How is it possible to be willing to share a bed, not to mention a toilet, without making the Love Jump first?

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