Thanks for all the emails of concern. I am not having a mental breakdown or suffering from depression. Just going through a bit of change. Change is good. It is like life. It happens. Sometimes you want to change. Other times something changes you whether you like it.

Your friends change you. Boyfriends and ex-boyfriends do...illness and death change things. Experiences changes you. Change is about growth. Nothing is the same for better or worst.

I am just going through some change. While one part of my life is heading one way I got a call from my brother early this morning. Normally, I get worried when I get early calls from overseas. You usually do not get good news in the early morning.

My father was in the hospital. He had had what the doctor described as a pre-heart attack. Heart disease runs in my family. My paternal grandfather passed away at 48 from a heart attack. He was having sex with his mistress and least he was doing what he loved! Charmer! My father had to collect his body from the mistress’ house.

I rang the hospital. My father was ok, he sounded a bit weak. It is times like this that I hate living so far away. My brother is heading to South America and will report back. Luckily, the family is looking after him. My cousin is also a doctor so he’s getting all the tests done. I forget that parents age as well. Things can change..will change. Nothing can change change.

So change puts things into perspectives and again the important things come loved ones. My father told me not to come and see him. That he’s ok. I still have not decided if I will go. I will be in South America for work in a few weeks.

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Last-modified: 2021-06-18 (金) 23:10:56 (1035d)